abolishing gender & the fuckboy
& healing the
divine masculine
the fuckboy is just the emperor at the scale of sociality,
seeding colonial expansion through cognition, conquest, & endless consumption without consequence
Here, the devil is pan, a satyr - a nonbinary transmasc lesbian with a bread dildo.
haven’t you ever wondered why their dicks were always hard??? bread dildo*.
sappho knew what was up…literally.
before pan became a fuckboy,
they were just a little kid who wanted to play
finding the flow state:
nonbinary creative power
what are we going to do about this?
Head over to Notes from the Haunted Woods, the Chthonic Circus blog, for a spicy abolitionist, anarchist, transformative-justice-inspired blog post - The Fuckboy Is Just a Masc Brat - and an audio contemplating what it means to be a fuckboy…and what we can do about it.
More coming soon
I think sacred relationality, because gender is just a way to colonize relationships, a way to put us into roles and put us into on stages that we need to perform on, into pre ordered positions and settings, etc.
So what my work does is it's sort of talks about that as a whole, but really focuses in on how the instead of viewing the feminine as caring and nurturing and the masculine as destructive, highlighting how the feminine can be destructive and the masculine can be creative.
So a lot of my sacral energetics and power discussions, those topics have to do with masculinity, the divine masculine and that creative energy and how to flow within that, how to create from that right? But in reality or, and in reality, that is not binary, it's not masculine, it's feminine as well, but just does not involve reproduction. It involves creation.
And there's a lot to go into there, but, so it involves healing, the divine masculine, which, again, I do not like to separate them, but I think that within the systems that we have, and I don't like reform either, I'm gonna have to really think on this, on the best way to go about that. But I think within the existing structures of communication, healing the divine masculine as the emperor, as the fuck boy, and then healing that as the little boy who wanted to play, Pan.
I think that's a huge focus of you know, my practice and philosophy and, yeah, I can't wait to engage y'all with it. I'm going to go on another audio to talk about the other project. [coming soon]