Echoing the nocturne,

is an 18+ space
for nonbinary & Trans* play magic.

All Sacral Play is sensual, touching
on what it means to g(r)asp for what we want.

[transcript] I think that the idea of trying to be perfect in, you know, first time interactions, or even literally one-hundredth time interactions is, ugh, it’s such a compulsory yet ill-fated thing, right? It’s-it’s-it’s gonna be a tragedy - it’s bound to be a tragedy, um, it’s bound to be a comedy, you know? And-and you gotta lean into the comedy, you gotta lean into the play, because it’s not an examination, baby. It’s not an exam, hun. You know what I mean? It’s-it’s play - it’s-it’s-it’s playing together in a way that is within consent and-and, you know, boundaries - but, you know, depends what you’re into, but - pushes limits and finds new ways for connecting and-and new, speculating new ways of discipline, and interacting with two human beings, two bodies, or more, whatever, you know what I mean?

Gasp & Conspire share
the same root - aspirare.

breathing together is

parallel play with me

let’s tinker with ways to transform aural atmospheres (and thus, obviously, the world) & make spicy audios magical for transmasc & nonbinary folx (Again, transforming the world - obviously, it’s what we do - through play magic)

let’s get filthy

i want everyone to know that desire is natural. that sacred literally means deserving of respect, dignity, and desire.

i want everyone to know that you deserve desire because it is built into being on this planet - it comes with the package.

by stoking the sparks of desire, you are playing in the soil of the subterranean.

you are literally cultivating life.

in (life)times like these, we can feel ruined. we can feel broken. but ruins are sacred. and to be desecrated you must have been sacred first. and you are - just by existing, just by being.

to be or not to be is not the question. “to do” or “not to do” is the question. to produce or not to (re)produce.

we must play in the ruins to fuck around and find out, to create, to consecrate.

desire outside of the binary is irresistible

