Learning new tricks

Here, I (happy) cry on the internet and show you a new trick I learned trying to juggle happiness, sober. Now I can compose music and lyrics AT THE SAME TIME BRO.

When I get a piano, it’s over for you bitches - respectfully and gender-neutrally.

9 of cups (flow)

The whole story

Why yes, I do think those first two chords(?) comprise the second bar of Legally Blonde from Legally Blonde: The Musical, if it were transposed to a higher key, thank you for noticing 😂

This is the best can i just do this forever please okay thanks

Also, I realized I broke my own rule of sharing only improv-ed or first-take content in The Void: A Bratty Little Musical, so here’s the first take of TILLYILS and The Little Vampire Prince(sse)s.

Drama, intrigue, suspense: a romance book?




On filth