Le Corps(E) Poétique, Live! Part 2
Part Two shows more of what makes up a day of play.
Trans*ing Masculinity
We start off slow but we really get places in this one - cisheterosexism and ableism hate to see me coming *toss toss*.
[Prodromal-migraine-phase-core] [[Trans][Crip][T]: Just Be-ing (With) Someone on Notes from the Haunted Woods] [Mars Blackmon from Spike Lee’s She’s Gotta Have It on Netflix] [Mouth McFadden from One Tree Hill] [We Are Man Enough Podcast] [Ally] [Anthony Ramos] [Disability Justice - A working draft, by Patty Berne] [Soul of Sophia Healing and Wisdom Through Tarot] [Being Frank Again] [Trans* Wisdom] [Clowning With Gender] [El Teatro de Metamorphose] [Gender Non-Conforming AFAB] [Endometriosis] [PMDD] [Medical Ableism] [Transmisogyny] [high|fem on The Haunted Woods on SoundCloud] [ADHD on E(strogen)] [Mars and Nola Darling’s love story is one of the best ever written, you can’t change my mind.] [not our fathers’ daughters (renting the Gemini-Sagittarius axis) on The Haunted Woods on SoundCloud] [desire on The Haunted Woods on SoundCloud] [Feeling Emotions - Again] [Being Bratty] [Pan’s Lament on The Haunted Woods on SoundCloud] [Pan’s Lament in ‘what my mask/masc told me’ on the chthonic circus on YouTube] [Martial Arts and Energetics] [Boxing as Ballet] [DeWanda Wise] [Feeling Emotions - AGAIN] [It All Connects] [Fuckboy] [Four Sets of Corsets Scene Because That Is Obviously What It Is Called - Hi Oak Onaodowan] [Fucking Up Look At Me Now] [Painting Intuitively] [DV Mention 16:55-18:51] [Not Funny Haha, I’m Sure It Wasn’t Coincidental] [Trans* Wisdom] [Trans* Erasure Within The Lesbian Community] [Actually I Take Back That You Can Have Designated Femme Because No Designated Femme Is An Even Better Band Name] [We Love Butches and Femmes Here] [Sorry About My Pants] [Nonbinary4Nonbinary] [Ball Gag Meditation on the [Trans][Crip][T] Page on Here] [We All Contain Multitudes] [Le Corpse Poétique] [Sacral Clowning] [Conditions of Possibility] [Comp Cis-Het] [Transmisogyny] [Toxic Femininity in the Lesbian Community] [El Tiburón by Proyecto Uno] [Tyrone by Erykah Badu] [So Many Notebooks] [The Lavender Libretto] [Duet] [Violins?] [Decentering Femininity and Masculinity] [Femininity Can Be Toxic] [Berenstein, 2020] [Feminism and Eugenics] [“Divine Feminine Uprising”] [Hey Mamas] [Appropriation] [Masculinization of Black Women] [White Supremacy] [Studs] [Particularity] [Little Gem] [idk wtf’s Gonna Come Out Of My Mouth] [Clothes That You Can Actually Move and Feel Comfortable In] [Appropriation and Appreciation and Style] [ADHD] [NOPE] [Thankful I am Dyslexic] [Dysfluency] [English as Lingua Franca Audio on The Haunted Woods on SoundCloud] [Calling in White Lesbians] [Choreographies of Gender on the chthonic circus YouTube] [Finger G*ns] [Butterfly Effect] [Clowns as Butterflies] [Mixing Up Languages]
My intuitive paintings 😊
energetic acrobatics
We learn together how to navigate emotions through somatics and singing! A fun little emotional rollercoaster!
[Migraine] [RIP Shower Chair] [Somatics] [Lip Trills] [Face Tapping] [Moving Around Phlegm] [Congestion and Pressure] [Super Cute] [Midas MSL’s How To Actually Relax] [Modifying as a Disabled and Fat Person] [Co-Creation] [Moving Beyond Prescription and Direct Adoption] [Figuring Out How To Hold Your Own Expansiveness and Particularity] [Neon and Pastel Energetic Palettes of Play] [Lipedema] [Lymphatic Drainage] [Le Corpse Poétique *handshake emoji* How To Actually Relax] [Some History Behind Anti-Fatness] [Politically Sick] [Sick Energy Work] [Energetic Palette Cleansing] [Play Magic Page on Here] [Combined ADHD] [AFAB - Assigned Female At Birth] [Always Being Told to Sit Still] [TY Max Shelton] [GWU] [Wanting to Be A Dancer] [Pronouns] [Not Funny Haha on Shower Chair Sessions on Here] [Boxing] [Attempting Energetic Acrobatics] [No Day But Today from Rent] [I’ll Cover You from Rent] [Struggling with High Notes] [Masculine and Feminine Resonance] [Kuzco Again] [Christopher Walken] [Sylvester Stallone] [In My Own Little Corner from Roger and Hammerstein’s Cinderella] [Vocal Chord Dysfunction] [Content Notice: 30:34-3:45 I Feel Emotions and Push The Wall and Then Freeze] [Getting Triggered By Safely Showing Anger and Frustration] [Trying Not To Freeze] [Silly Somatics] [I Don’t Have A Song For This] [If You’re Angry And You Know It] [Angry Songs for AFABS] [Take Me or Leave Me from Rent] [We’re Breathing and It’s Fine] [Content Notice: I Hawk A Loogie at 35:38 Very Close to the Mic] [Mold] [Take It Or Leave It by The Strokes] [11:11] [Difference Between Classical and Modern Musical Theater Singing] [Different Relationship to Air] [Phlegm] [Sing For Me] [Moving Phlegm With Resonance] [We Learned A New Trick Today] [Forced to Sit Still/Stay in Another’s Energy/Forced To Carry Other People’s Shit] [Eviction Anger Audio on Le Corpse Poétique: Live! Part 3] [(war)drobe on The Lavender Libretto] [Disparately Structured Precarity] [disabled trans* survivors] [play|ground: the musical] [And Here We Conclude the Zoomies]